That is how long it has been since I last posted, which is par for the course for me with blogging! lol
Since my last post we had Thanksgiving, Christmas and Katie turned 3! That is a lot! :) Thanksgiving was spent at my side of the family in Jackson. We had a blast and I wish we could do that every year. They are so much fun and the food was so good. Katie had fun with everyone. They are who I grew up with going to. The house is so full of people, at least 30 people were there. We left early because we had driven with my mom and Ron, but wish we could have stayed. They were just about to start playing games. The next day we went to Todd's family for their Thanksgiving and it was fun :) We played some games and had a wonderful meal!
My photography business took off and I had some great bookings towards the end of the year. I also learned a lot about business and what stuff I will need to do in the future to give myself air.
Christmas was nice. We went to Mike's house for Christmas Eve as always. Had a nice time. Christmas morning was at our house. My mom and Ron came in the morning about 8 or 9 am and we had fun watching Katie as she was afraid to come into the living room. She was afraid Santa was actually there. When she saw the enormous pile of gifts she was ecstatic! We let her start to open some things, but then we did breakfast and then back to opening. She had a blast! It was such a joy to watch her open things this year. She really understood. Then in the afternoon Todd's family came and the fun began all over again! We had a lovely dinner and we relaxed once it was all over. WE had a really nice, yet busy, holiday week after that.
New Year's Eve we spent at Kevin and Amber's. It was a nice night with good food and friends. Katie got sick. We will she had just really bad gas compounded with a head cold. She insisted that I held her all night and that was a downer, sadly. She slept with me in bed while Todd slept on the couch.
On Feb 7th Katie turned 3. I was on bed rest for a bad reaction to some medications and sadly her big party had to be cancelled, but it was ok. We had already celebrated with Todd's family because his parents were going to be gone the weekend of her party. My family all came to help her celebrate and my sister in law Frances, took photos for me. :) I watched it all happen via Skype. I was in our bedroom upstairs Skyped into the computer on the main floor. It was really nice and worked out. Katie so loves her cousins and she was just happy that they were all there. She talked about it for days afterward. How her cousins came to visit her at her house. This past weekend we celebrated one last time with our friends Amber, Kevin, their kids, Kierstyn and Annie. That was nice as well... Katie adores them all. She has stopped talking about that. She is so funny, she gets out her Birthday cards and reads them to herself. "It's your Birthday, Katie!" lol
She is so completely creative and it makes me so happy. She talks to herself and I love to hear her stories. She is so good about playing alone, though I know she would love to have a friend there as well. Last night we got out the water colors and she painted a page out of her new huge coloring book she got for her birthday. She doesn't really like crayons, for some reason, but she loves to paint and do other things. So we let her :)
Going to try to focus on her again and try to blog as much as I can. She is three and I have nothing written down, so I really want to record stuff if I can. :)
Slow Start
1 week ago
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