Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Costume and Pumpkin carving

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So Katie is Jessie, from Toy Story 2, for Halloween... I got it yesterday in the mail (forgot to take the tags off!) and she wanted it on right away!! She did all of that hoopin and hollarin herself! :) No clue where her imagination comes from but I love it!

Then on to the pumpkin where she really thought she wanted to help, but didn't end up wanting to in the end... oh well. She is such a girlie girl!

Sorry that it loops at the end, not sure what happened.


Jill Rains said...

Patti, your "Miss Jessie" is so cute!! Thanks for sharing!

I laughed hard at the pumpkin part. She's nobody's fool! That stuff is yucky and she knew it! :)